Tag Archives: yoga

Motherhood – after the break up

Rediscovering myself At the moment I am rediscovering myself on all sorts of levels.One of them is Motherhood. Where I was actually scared to death to do it alone after my break up, I now experience mothering as one of the most nourishing elements in my life. After some unstable months and lots of processing…

Be Yourself. Reclaim your power!

It is so great to experience when insecurities about yourself, shame and fear for rejection are no longer part of you. It’s such a relieve to just be YOUrself!!! It’s so joyful to step into your Power and fully embrace your authentic Beauty ? For many years I also have been numbed down by insecurities….

Autumn on Ibiza – Best time for Yoga!

Autumn time on Ibiza! After the hot and busy summer on the island I’m happy to welcome a cooler and quieter time now. I love the after season on Ibiza. The big crowds are gone and the island falls back into its natural peace. Fields and trees in beautiful fresh green colours. Pleasant temperatures and…

The Mountain – Yoga Ibiza Top 5 beaches

What are your favourite beaches on Ibiza? Where should I go? A question asked a lot by the people who join our yoga retreats or visit our yoga classes. Always I see myself thinking what to recommend. There are so many good beaches on Ibiza, its hard to choose! Of course it depends on what…