Ibiza retreats

The Mountain Ibiza Retreats

The Mountain Ibiza organises Women,Yoga and Couples Retreats on Ibiza for those who want to slow down, deeply relax, nourish themselves and are curious to rediscover their True Nature.

Our natural state is that what we are beyond limiting thoughts and beliefs from the mind. It’s the Joyful, Peaceful and Silent place within ourselves that we all long to know. Through Yoga, meditation, movement, silence, breath-work, energy-work,  ceremonies and various other spiritual practices we purify and strengthen the body and quiet down the mind. In this state of higher awareness, we are able to connect back to our Heart and come Home to our true Self.

7-13 September 2024

True Feminine Retreat Ibiza

This Ibiza Women Retreat is about stepping into the soft power of your feminine nature. Do you feel the time has come to reconnect with the Sacred Feminine and set free the wise, radiant and powerful women that you truly are? Do you feel called to awaken to your true essence and live your life to its fullest potential? Join us for an unforgettable and live changing experience on magical Ibiza!

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Dates 2025 Coming Soon

The Radiant Mother Retreat

A retreat for women who want to reclaim their wisdom, radiance and power!! I warmly invite you for a nourishing, empowering and transformative week of discovering who you truly are beyond all conditioning and limiting beliefs you have about yourself and help you remember your authen

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Dates 2025 coming soon!

Women Retreat Facilitator Training

After 10 years of facilitating retreats I am very excited to share my experience, wisdom and love for this work with other women! Is it your dream to organise your own women retreats and/or women circles? Does your heart lit up when you feel into making an impact in this world and make your passion your work?

I would be honoured to guide you on your path of empowerment, healing and nourishment for yourself and all women you will serve through this beautiful sacred work. This training will give you all the basic tools you need to start your own women retreats and circles!

The waiting list is now open!!! Fill in the contact form to receive more information.

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coming soon

True Feminine Retreat – Part 2

In Part 2 we continue with the work we have done in Part 1 of the True Feminine Retreat. We deepen into the practices we have learned so far and explore more about our erotic and wild nature. You get initiated into the yoni egg practice and other empowering priestess practices. Only for women who already did the first retreat.