Discover your Divine Feminine essence

Discover your Divine Feminine during one of my Women Retreats on Ibiza!

Are you longing to be more embodied in your femininity?

Would you like to be more connected to your body?

And would you love to experience more pleasure and joy in your life?

Then my Women Retreats are for you!

During our time together we take a deep dive into our bodies and into our bliss. We work on overcoming fears, insecurities and blockages that our holding us back from living our full potential and experiencing our Divine Femininity.

We are staying in a wonderful villa with all the comfort and luxury you need to truly unwind, slow down, soften and surrender.

Looking forward to welcome you here on the magical island for a deeply nourishing and empowering week!

Join me 18-24 May for the True Feminine Retreat


Join me 7-14 September for the True Feminine Retreat