The world around us is changing fast these days. Restrictions are pouring down on us from our governments in ever increasing quantities. ‘Fear this, fear that, do this and, for the love of God and your fellow man, absolutely don’t do that!’ seems to be the mantra of the public world these days. How can we still be in stillness, enjoying a situation with openness and innocence, while this constant noise of our society is seeping into our minds?
Last week my Beloved and I decided to make a conscious effort to deepen our love. We signed up to join a couples retreat in Portugal. This retreat, we both felt strongly, was THE thing to bring our love and relating to the next level. The will was there, but so were the ‘what ifs?’
What if Portugal goes into total lockdown and we cannot travel out again? What if Spain gets a lockdown and we cannot move in again? What if we spend all this money on travel and the training in this insecure time and nothing comes back in again?
All these questions and many more are based on a fear that was fed to us by what we see on television, read in the newspapers and experience around us when we step out of our house. Now I’m generalising things a bit, because we don’t watch television and we don’t read newspapers, but I know many of you do. And we can see how consuming mainstream media makes the people around us more contracted and afraid.
When it boils down to the choice between fear or love, it is our experience that love is always the better choice. When you choose love you choose expansion. When you choose love you choose flow. When you choose love Life loves you back and showers you with her blessings. When you choose fear you contract, when you contract all flows are cut off. When you choose fear you grow old and cold. Fear is simply not the direction in which you want to go and Life will try to show you that by making your life harder and harder until you’ll get it.
Me and my Beloved chose love and we went to the training despite all the ‘what ifs’. And yes it was an undertaking. There were no direct flights, so we had to wait long hours here and there, but hey the planes were still flying! We had to wear these awful masks on the airports and in the planes, but hey we were still moving! In the end everything fitted seamlessly together and we made it safely to the south of Portugal. There we had the most amazing time with only super-dedicated love-warriors. And after a week of juicy love ceremonies ( we will share more about that a bit later, so stay tuned!) we arrived safely back in our lovely house on Ibiza.
So with another successful love story under our belts, we feel even more motivation and fire to make our Ibiza Retreats into a celebration of Love and Freedom. We shouldn’t allow these difficult times to hinder us from living our lives and listening to our souls longings. Choose love and freedom, choose heart over mind, choose love over fear and your life will blossom and be a blessing for all those connected to you!