To be honest, I find it hard to put into words what I am transmitting trough my work. What is it that I do? What is exactly the medicine that I have to give?
I know it is powerful and I know it is helping people, but I see myself struggle to write about my retreat and online courses and I have been wondering why?
What came to me was that I am not really ‘doing’ anything. So its probably hard to describe and grasp with my mind. I guess how it works for me is that I am just showing up. Showing up as my most authentic self. Trusting that what ever needs to be shared will be shared with the group I have in front of me. It is all happening in the moment. Its not something to talk about, but something to experience. And it is always perfect even when it is not. The more I relax and surrender the better. So ‘Just Being’ seems to still be a good slogan for what I am offering I guess. It is the essence of my teaching.
I simply love to be in a space where we can all be real. A space of authenticity and vunerability. A space where all is welcome. A space where we don’t have to pretend. Yes a space of Freedom, Joy, Pleasure, Peace and Aliveness. And its my greatest joy to share this space with you! So that is what is being created within my retreats. This is what I have to share with you. I am sharing Me with You so we can meet at that place where we are ONE. To me there is nothing more valuable in life then This. It means we are coming Home.
I warmly invite you to join one of my upcoming events:

STARTING TOMORROW AT 19.30!! PM if you want to join.

Looking forward to BE with you!
With Love,